Let’s just say there were tears… of joy!! Pleasant Fest 2021 October was a HUGE SUCCESS. Sincerely super happy right now and incredibly thankful to all participants, each and every one of you. We are planning to host an awards party at The Forge, before end-of-year, possibly Saturday, December 4th. Excited to see everyone there. More information to come about that. The next Pleasant Fest is scheduled for 2022, April 15th and 16th. We have an updated form for participants here – https://pleasantfest.com/join/ – Please submit as soon as possible if you want to participate again, and tell your friends! New this morning, we have an anonymous feedback form on the website. Please submit your thoughts here – https://pleasantfest.com/pleasant-fest-anonymous-feedback-form/ – Keep an eye on Facebook, etc for more pictures and videos to be posted soon. Sincere thank you to all of you excellent people. Peace. Thank you, and have a pleasant day.